How Psychic Mediums Use Clairvoyance to Connect with the Other Side

How Psychic Mediums Use Clairvoyance to Connect with the Other Side

Have you recently lost someone close to you? Maybe someone you love passed away many years ago, but the pain and loss is still very real to you and you are trying to make a connection with them on the other side.

Often, making such a connection with a person you have lost can be a great way to deal with our grief and find that closure that leads to inner peace. Once contact has been made, you can say the things you want to say and let them know that your loved one is in good health.

The psychic method used to make this connection across the boundaries of life and depth stems from their ability to develop "clair", otherwise known as a 6th sense. This term comes from the Latin word which means clear and is the most natural way to connect with things on the other side.

A psychic may choose to apply more than one of their "clair" abilities, which can be like tuning into the radio stations. This is how Rebecca Rosen described the process when she was writing for and it applies to all psychic mediums.

This will enable a master psychic like myself to receive psychic energy through sight, sounds and feelings. These can then be refined into a communication channel from which peace and closure can be found.

Clear feeling (clear feeling)

In this method, the medium will begin by opening their consciousness so that they can perceive feelings that pass between you and the spirit realm. With the first step, a connection can be made between the person on the other side and the person on this side. A message can be sent through this connection, the psychic will know the connection has been made when the vital energies begin to shift.

Clairvoyance (Clear seeing)

Once a connection is established, the psychic medium will be able to use its clairvoyance ability to see who you are trying to connect with in the great afterlife. It will be their connection to you, the person on this earth, that will allow them to identify them properly and experience them as if they were right here in the room with you. This will help the search to become more accurate and fully understand the message they want to convey.

Clair Audience (clear hearing)

Finally, the psychic will receive a word or perhaps a phrase from the person on the other end and be able to convey this message to you. This is a method called "clear hearing" that can sometimes be experienced as a soft inner whisper or even a loud audible voice. Since the psychic has the ability to interpret the meaning of what is being broadcast, they will help you better understand and engage with the message.

If you want to make such a connection with someone you have lost, then the help of a psychic medium may be for you. Please contact me at 970-987-4153, I will be able to discuss with you the values ​​of making this connection and what to expect. Learn more about communicating with your loved ones out there and finding the peace of mind by calling the number you see here and scheduling your own appointment.